Archive for December, 2003

Wednesday, December 31st, 2003

so I spoke to a guy in Brussels at the SONY VAIO Support Center.
HOW neat. They are picking it up on Friday by FedEx from my home, flying it to Belgium, checking it out and I shall have it back repaired or replaced within five days. That is good customer service.
God how I hate Greece.

Wednesday, December 31st, 2003

ioanna and marilita invited me out for a drink; I declined.
They are having a drink right now at Mommy’s and she just sent me an sms.
“..I’m so happy to have met you”
yay for m.

Tuesday, December 30th, 2003
the Sony VAIO is at the doctor’s and it looks like they will be replacing it.
Using my trusty Compaq Presario back up laptop. Not quite the same thing.
I tried to hide under the couch but couldn’t fit.

Sunday, December 28th, 2003

ok he will be referred to as from hereon out.
once a low class bimbo ALWAYS a low class bimbo.

Sunday, December 28th, 2003

a member of the cast is ill with the flu
and the show has been cancelled for 3 days. ARGH.
just as i was starting to enjoy self-punishment.

Mary Collins

Saturday, December 27th, 2003

merry ones yatabazah.
a steal, at $400.

Friday, December 26th, 2003

hanging out at the internet cafe waiting for artemis to pick me up for fun fofiko moments. how lucky for me. the show was enjoyable and fast. i love the Fourth Sister.

Thursday, December 25th, 2003

i woke up having lived the day already.

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003

i sneaked again in the Lala House for a nap at Lala’s bed.
Vico, the doggie was there too and we slept soundly.
When we woke up it was already evening.

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003

in my dream, my sister and I agreed that airplanes, when they are about to crash, they slow down and they hit the ground gracefully and silently.

Monday, December 22nd, 2003

cancelled all appointments.
didn’t take any calls.
betsy mccall told me she hates xmas.

Thursday, December 18th, 2003

<--- LaLa House ...always keep in mind that most doll's houses originally were made as playthings for children, which explained -but not entirely- the differences of scale and styles found in the same house. Also, doll's houses, notably those which stayed in a family over several generations, such as the Lala House, evolved and changed, furniture was lost or broken and later replaced, just the way it happens in real houses...

Thursday, December 18th, 2003

Moi je t`offrirai
Des perles de pluie
Venues de pays
Où il ne pleut pas
Je creuserai la terre
Jusqu`après ma mort
Pour couvrir ton corps
D`or et de lumière
Je ferai un domaine
Où l`amour sera roi
Où l`amour sera loi
Où tu seras reine

Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas

Wednesday, December 17th, 2003

Ektoras and Syllas are in the living room watching The Hours on DVD.
I will take a long shower.
Syllas keeps yelping how great Julianne M. is. Ektoras agrees. I like M.Streep more.
Tess I got you a bottle of the Greek silicon I use. You will love it.
“How was your morning?”
“Did you have breakfast?”

Tuesday, December 16th, 2003


Tuesday, December 16th, 2003

I should have asked for a lock of Mania’s hair.
I still haven’t felt any grief or loss.
It’s not like she hasn’t died; it’s like she never existed.
Like she was a character in a movie I saw a long time ago.
Why can’t I react normally to it? She deserves a lengthy time of mourning.
I have no heart.

Sunday, December 14th, 2003

wow the end of a VERY long week.
I didn’t relax for one second.
but it was worth it.
a man’s work is never done.

Friday, December 12th, 2003

Here is your schedule for December.
What will happen after February I don’t know.
It looks a tad bleak.

Thursday, December 11th, 2003

sreepy sreepy
i now have a swiss snow globe on my dressing room table.

new raptop.

Wednesday, December 10th, 2003

  Sony VAIO