Neil and Eliza
Eliza was in love with Terry and Neil in love with Candy. For those reasons they made her life very difficult when Candy was working at their house and later at St.Paul's college.
Candy was born in 1898 in Chicago. Found at the doorstep of Pony House Orphanege by sister Mary. She was raised there untill she was sent to work at Eliza and Neil's house as a playmate where after a while she is adopted by Uncle Albert.
She was sent to St Paul's college in England to study,  along with Eliza and Neil. There, Terry, Archie, Stear, Paty and Annie are students also..She falls in love with Terry - Anthony has already died - and Eliza out of jealousy for Terry's love manages to have Candy expelled, after which she returns to America to study to be a nurse. First World War breaks out and she is working at a hospital for the wounded soldiers. There, she'll meet Uncle Albert again,
this time as nurse and patient...

Cultivated roses and created one especialy for Candy, the "Sweet Candy".
He and Candy were in love,
untill his untimely death following a fall from his horse.
Son of the Duke of Grandchester and of a theatre actress, Terry meets Candy at St.Paul's college where at first they fight and bicker as Terry hides his true feelings toward her. At the "Festival of May", he confesses to her that he loves her. They go to Scotland for the holidays and when they return, Eliza has Candy expelled. He takes the blame to save her but it doesn't help. He becomes a succesful actor but through an accident, he loses a leg. Ends up with Suzana, an actress.
Brother of Stear. He also was in love with Candy who only wanted them to just be friends. She introduced him to Annie who in time he fell in love with.
Brother of Archie, an inventor, good friend and supporter of Candy. Boyfriend of Paty.
Andrew family
Childhood friend of Candy, they met and  grew up together at the Pony House orphanege. She was adopted by the Britter family who discouraged her to have contact with Candy. She turned her back on her only to make it up to Candy when they re-united at St.Paul's college. She was in love with Archie and was jealous of Candy because Archie was in love with Candy. To avenge her, she befriended Eliza to hurt both Archie and Candy
A little insecure, therefore not courageous and a little halfhearted.
Uncle Albert Andrew
Head of the Andrew family. Adopts Candy and supports her. They first meet fleetingly when she's an orphan and he is imprinted in her memory as the "Prince of the Hill".
Years later when he's injured during the first world war, he is treated by Candy at the hospital where she is already working as a nurse.
Miss Pony
Head of the House of Pony orphanege, a tranquil, loving woman, raises Candy untill she is sent to the Andrew House.
Candy would always come back to the Pony House when in need of consolation and Miss
Pony was always there for her.
Sister Mary
Sister Mary, a young nun, a bit strict but a happy persona who is the school teacher and confidant of Candy. She is the mother figure of the orphanege, dedicated and generous.
An obedient, timid, studious girl.
Paty will betray Candy out of her lack of courage when the whole school is against her but will realise her wrong doing  and stand by her friend's side at the end.
She and Stear are an item..
Candy's me
Copyright 1975-1979
Toei Animation, Japan.
Writen by Kyoko Mizuki
Drawn by Yumiko Iragashi
152 episodes.
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An English theatre actress who after meeting Anthony in a play, has an affair with him. Looks after him after his accident which cost him a leg.